As a business giant in the making, and an emerging world leader who believes a better world begins with little changes often neglected, I write on this platform to influence fellow young minds out there. Thanks to Seyi Dipo.
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Understanding the Power of Response as a Pathway to Maturity
“Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and freedom.”
– Stephen R. Covey
It may not seem so apparent to you at the moment but the fact still remains – In every situation or circumstance we find ourselves, we have the power to choose our response. The power resides in man yet only a relatively few use it to their advantage. Our response to stimulus creates the disposition people have towards us.
How do you know someone is irascible? – I guess it’s because of the way they respond to unpleasant situations.
Most people are reactive by nature. Ironically, nobody is sadder than the one who is a perpetual reactor. Their center of gravity is not rooted within themselves where it ultimately belongs, but in the world outside. Their temperature is always being raised or lowered by the social climate around them and they are a mere creature at the mercy of those elements.
Tranquility cannot be achieved until we become the masters of our own response to stimuli. To let another determine whether we shall be rude or gracious, happy or angry, elated or depressed, is to give away or relinquish control over our own true self or inner spirit.
We come across grumpy or rude people all the time. To respond to them by being grumpy or rude back might feel good in the moment, but it certainly does not speak well of your own behavior especially if there are other people around or you are trying to be professional.
Becoming responsible for the actions you take cannot be overly underscored. Choose your response!
Become conscious of the way you respond to people or situations that are not pleasant. Allowing people to control the way you behave is a frustrating way to live. I came across a quote that says, “The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude”. So I submit…
Instead of REACT – ACT intentionally!
Take charge of your emotions and surprise people and unpleasant situations that want to steal your peace that this time you’re not willing to let them have it.
Choose to choose your response all the time and begin to experience the joy and peace you’ve been missing all this time. This is the shortest pathway to maturity and character development.
Sit back and watch your behavior preach the Gospel!
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