Here is an unsolicited review of the Volume 1 of The Well-Digger Trilogy – THE SECRET OF ABRAHAM.
If you still vacillate about the call of God on your life, this chapter would make you understand the importance of discovering yourself in God as a key to achieving lasting and eternal significance. There is a level of knowing and discovery that enables man to do all that is required, including sacrifice, in the pursuit of true significance. How Abraham got to that point is delivered on a platter. Although, the specific secret that Tokunbo has in mind was not given in this chapter, you’ll find out as I did that each page of this book is pregnant with secrets which are capable of producing divine wisdom in the lives of readers.
Many of us are fast becoming settlers where we are called to be pioneers, by implication, we negate the continuous flow of God’s grace and consequently stall our progress. In this chapter, Tokunbo exposes the observable excuse people have, which are tantamount to irresponsibility. He also unveils those pitfalls that stunted Abraham’s progress till after the 205th birthday of Terah. Well, Abraham found motivation, discovered secrets of progress and got liberated from the circumstances of stagnation. Again, more secrets are inferable from this chapter which are capable of empowering you for continuous progress in life, but these are just by the way.
Chapter Three – ADVANCED FAITH
Whatever you know or have of faith before, this chapter takes you a step further! It’s true that faith comes by hearing, but there is much more, and that’s why there are levels of faith. Tokunbo highlights potential faith, little faith, elementary faith, growing faith, great faith, advanced faith, among others. Yes, without faith, it is impossible to please God, likewise, without faith, it is impossible to understand and apply the "secret" of Abraham. You will learn how faith is released and the inseparableness of faith and obedience.
Chapter Four – THE SECRET
At last, the moment we’ve been waiting for! The "secret" of Abraham is revealed in this chapter. How could a foreigner boldly occupy the land God had given him by faith, not minding the potential warfare that could break out against him? It’s in the secret! The Palestinians could not withstand the authority and blessedness of Abraham because he engaged in a certain practice as a lifestyle. I perceive Tokunbo wants this testimony replicated in the life of the reader. Stop guessing what the secret is, you won’t know until you read! Order your own copy here or click the above image.
Chapter Five – YOUR MANDATE
Tokunbo believes that everyone reborn in the image of God by the saving grace of Jesus has the mandate to posses a land and produce a people. This is applicable in every sector of human endeavor, be it politics, economics, technology, entertainment, sport, arts, education, social or spiritual. Taking a cue from how Abraham did it, this chapter is an exposition of how you too can subdue your field of mandate. Then you are introduced to the well-digging adventure in a series! Greatness, influence, significance, legacy, eternal bliss! Get your copies now!
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