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How Many Mother’s Day Do We Celebrate in a Year? A Concise Answer.
People marvel at the varieties of Mother’s Day been celebrated within a year. Questions such as how many Mother’s Day do we have, is common especially by the second edition. The reason for that controversy is not unrelated to the effects of globalization. This is more glaring in climes where such international day is not officially acclaimed by the state’s authority. Mother’s Day is a celebration for honoring the mother of the family, motherhood, and the influence of mothers in the society. It is commemorated on variety of dates in many countries of the world.
There are two popular Mother’s Day versions in the world today – the UK and the US versions. It is important to note that non of those two Mother’s Day has a fix date but each has a fixed day, which is a Sunday. There exist as well the United Nation’s International Women’s Day, but Mother’s Day is not on the list of UN’s observance.
Mother’s Day in the United States of America
Second Sunday in May. It’s a day observed as a celebration of mothers in US, Canada, Australia, and many other countries around the world who are strongly influenced by the American effects. In US, Mother’s Day continues to be one of the major days for sales of flowers, greeting cards, and related gifts. Long-distance phone calls are also a popular feature.
Mother’s Day in the United Kingdom
Fourth Sunday of Lent; celebrated as Mothering Sunday. Historically celebrated by churches with attention to Mary the mother of Jesus and the concept of Mother Church. Due to the influence of the American Mother’s Day, Mothering Sunday has over the years transformed into a tradition of showering encomium and appreciation on mothers as well as giving them gifts.
International Women’s Day – United Nations
March 8 every year. IWD is significant for women’s right and civil awareness movement. It is established by the United Nations’ resolution and is observed by member states across the world. IWD is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played extraordinary role in the history of their countries.
There you are! The uninformed fellow, especially among men feel prejudiced at the hearing of those varieties of celebration in favour of women, and it seems a weekly affair at a point. However, every member of the family has their day. Father’s Day, for honouring fathers and fatherhood is on March 19 every year. Universal Children’s Day is on November 20 every year, notwithstanding, variously dated in different countries because of weather conditions and academic calendar. Their is also International Day of Families on May 15.
Click here for the full list of the United Nations Observances
Click here for the list of the United Nations International Days
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